How to Keep Your Wedding Morning Stress-Free, PART 1 


Ever been a part of a wedding day that seemed overwhelming and passed by in a flash? Yeah, us too. 

After years of spending countless hours in a hotel room or bridal suite filled with some crazy crews - personally and professionally - we’ve seen all the things a couple should and should not do on their wedding morning!

Here are the do’s and dont’s to make sure your big day is as magical as you’ve envisioned and worked so hard for.  There’s a lot to share, so we broke it all down into three separate - but equally important - parts for you! 

The Day/Night Before

Hydration is key!  Hydrate at least two days before your big day, especially the night before.  In fact, hydration is even important during the planning process. Solid hydration is great for all the body systems (think clear, plump wedding-day skin).  Fill those Stanleys with good ol’ water. We also love adding hydration powders (Liquid I.V. or Waterboy) to our 8 ounces. Intravenous hydration therapy is another amazing option to boost hydration.  You can even hire a mobile IV team to help prepare your crew for the celebration-filled weekend!

Treat yourself!  Book a massage or other body treatment at your hotel or a local spa the day before.  Take advantage of the sauna and steam room for ultimate relaxation!  Just try to book your service nearby so you don’t lose your zen to traffic on your way to get ready for your rehearsal.  

Eat!  We can’t emphasize this enough. Don’t let the excitement and guest greetings overwhelm you.  If you don’t eat dinner, you won’t be able to sleep later, either because you’re hungry or because those late-night snacks will be digesting, keeping you awake.

Limit the booze.  We want you to celebrate with your loved ones, but remember, you have a HUGE day tomorrow!  Limit your alcohol to 1-2 drinks at rehearsal dinner, supplemented with water after each drink.  Alcohol can make your face, eyes, and hands swollen and puffy, lead to a nagging headache, and can leave you feeling lethargic and groggy the next day.  If even one cocktail does this to you, avoid it altogether.  Stick with water or lemonade, but nothing with caffeine!

Watch the meds.  Avoid taking sleeping pills, which can lead to grogginess on your big day.  We like a nighttime tea, such as chamomile, lavender or valerian root to help you drift off to dreamland. (Look for any tea labeled Sleepytime or Bedtime, no caffeine!)

Finalize your vows. After the rehearsal dinner is a great time to finish writing your vows - or transfer them into your vow books - if you haven’t already.  You'll be fresh off feeling the love and may have even thought of something to add!  A quiet moment to yourself is a great time to practice saying those sweet vows out loud.  Don’t wait to check this important to-do off your list in the morning! 

Practice a little yoga.  There are several yoga poses that help create a blissful night’s sleep.  Try Savasana or Legs-up-the-Wall Pose.  Google some sleep yoga videos and bookmark one that resonates with you for your pre-wedding day bedtime ritual. 

Sleep.  Oh, and if you haven’t already gathered… SLEEP is essential.  Get yourself a silk eye mask and plan on getting a solid 8 hours. 




A Stylish and Detail-Filled Laguna Beach Wedding